hi e1. well its a over cast day today but tonight start the first 24hrs of trivia. yep 3 days of questions ranging from cartoons to movie to who knows what. it all start with the trivia parade witch i norm forget to attend but this year is a special year because ATP is celebrating 10 years i think i got that right. i still have a few small thing that needs to be done before i am ready basically what i need to do is take the radio out of my bedroom and bring it here to this living room i have tried different radios in the past none of the could get the 90fm station in clearly but this year will be different because now i have a samsung galaxy play and i can pick up that radio station on it so i will be plugging that into my radio. what i love about the trivia is that after they ask a question they will play music and were talking not today's music were talking about back in the days music where music was music. last year i forgot to take my train down that my bro and i put up every Christmas well it was part for the stone clue run i didn't find this out tell bro told me the week after i was surprised and well i left my train up this year and the smoke stack from it got knocked off so i am hoping it will become a clue agen this year one can hope.
well i will end this entry here. so until next entry all way look on the bright side of life.
The music is one of my favorite parts of Trivia... such good music.