hi e1 well its been a while and a lot have happened but let me just say what the fuck you may have seen it on your local news many of you may have seen it on other news channels and i am talking about what happened during the Boston marathon yesterday and just can't help but to think where has our lovely world has gone i mean before the whole 9/11 thing the world was peacefull all you had to worry about a occasional shooting now and then but peacfull but now you have to worry about just liveing a nother day you have to worry about numb nuts from a turrist group that need to make a point you have to worry about every day numb nuts that want to make a point and for what cause just so you can make the news? and why do innocent people need to be involved and i bet some of those runners prob had running a marathon on there list of things to do before they pass on and some of those runners are hard core runners that like to take it to the next level. but what just happened yesterday was a despicable act and i hope what the FBI and the home land security lurne who was behind this bombing yesterday day and i bet as i am typing this out right now there labs are hard at work getting finger print DNA sample etc.
well i will end this blog entry right here so as all ways look on the bright side of life because darth vader will all way be tempting you with something good.
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